
About HotelCheck

We are a company born in Palma de Mallorca (Spain) with the aim of offering an alternative in the current market for hotel health and safety audits.

With more than 10 years of experience, we have learned from the main operators of the audit market their strengths and also their weaknesses and therefore we believe that the market needed a more flexible and economical business model and that, above all, it goes hand in hand of their clients to allow their hotels to be sellable as quickly as possible.

To do this, we have created 2 differentiated product lines:
  • the Hotel Health & Safety Audits Factory
  • the Hotel Shared Audits Bank
The Factory's mission is to be its outsourced audit factory, both remotely and in person.
Once you load the hotels that you want to be audited, we will take care of the entire process and we will notify you once the audit is validated by HotelCheck, at which time you will pay to see the result. You can choose whether you want to use our standard questionnaire or customize yours, as well as whether you want to see the note by sections and end or simply see the answers to the questions given by the hotel.

That easy.

The mission of the Shared Audits Bank Hotel is to take advantage of the synergies among our clients at the lowest possible cost to obtain the greatest number of audits available.

What is our model based on?
1. Buy online. It is the simplest process on the market for health and safety audits
2. Offer a wide variety of types of auditing to guarantee the flexibility and scalability that our clients seek (audits with grade, audits without grade and only with answers, standard HotelCheck questionnaire, customized questionnaire for each client, on-site audits, remote audits)
3 . Offer the lowest costs on the market
4. You will pay only when the hotel answers and we audit it
5. The most modern technological platform on the market fully integrated in all its audit phases and available on mobile, tablet and computer
6. Shorter work times for the customer: two months of work action time since a questionnaire is sent to the hotel and one week of audit time once the hotel responds to HotelCheck
7. The best human team


Why do we want to be your partner?
1. We have the most advanced tool on the market with all the functionalities integrated in the same system. You will have access to both mobile devices and tablets and computers
2. We offer the lowest audit costs in the market
3. We offer possibly the shortest time in the audit delivery market once the hotel has answered so you can put the hotel up for sale As quickly as possible 4. We offer access to a database, the Shared Audits Bank, where you can have hotel audits at the lowest cost in the market

We want to be your partner.
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