Terms and conditions

Terms and Conditions

0.1. These general conditions (the "General Conditions"), together, where appropriate, with the particular conditions that may be established (the "Particular Conditions"), will regulate the access, use and commercial relations between the user (the "Client") and the point of sale hotelcheck-hsaudits.com (“HotelCheck”) through which the Client formalizes the purchase of the products offered during their period of availability (the “Products”) through the marketing platform accessible on the site. web www.hotelcheck-hsaudits.com ("HotelCheck") owned by HotelCheck - Risk Management Solutions Europe - Alexandre López, of Spanish nationality with NIF 39898473M and with registered office at C / Sevilla, 8 bl.4 esc A 3ºA in Palma de Mallorca (Spain).

0.2 These General Conditions will remain in force and will be valid with the content that is published at any time in the On-Line store hotelcheck-hsaudits.com. HotelCheck reserves the right to modify in which At any time, both the General Conditions and the Particular Conditions (the "New Conditions"), as well as all those notices, guidelines and / or other regulations of legal content published in HotelCheck and that, depending on the case, will replace, complete and / or modify the General Conditions collected here. The Client will be subject to the General Conditions and Particular Conditions and other development regulations in force at the time of formalizing their purchase. Its temporary validity coincides with the time of its publication and until the moment in which they were totally or partially modified. The New Conditions will be applicable from the moment they are published on HotelCheck.Hotelcheck recommends periodic consultation of the General Conditions, Particular Conditions and other regulations. This inquiry can be made at www.hotelcheck-hsaudits.com

0.3. In case of contradiction between the terms and conditions stated in these General Conditions and the Particular Conditions, the latter will always prevail with respect to those incompatible terms, and only with respect to those products subject to said specific conditions.

0.4. Any query, suggestion, complaint or claim related to the online sale of the Products can be made through the Customer Service:
HotelCheck H&S audits
Alexandre López
NIF 39898473M
C / Sevilla, 8 bl.4 esc A 3ºA
Palma de Mallorca (Spain)

1.1. Those legal entities that adequately prove their condition and accept these General Conditions and the Particular Conditions that, where appropriate, are applicable, will be considered as "Client". The purchase of Products, at HotelCheck, by minors, or by users who do not meet the requirements set forth in these General Conditions, is expressly prohibited.

2.1 Access to and use of HotelCheck is free and open, Alexandre López reserving the right to demand in the future a consideration for access and use.

2.2 For the purchase of Products through HotelCheck, Alexandre López will ask users to proceed to register, for which said Clients must fill in the electronic form that appears in HotelCheck at all times, following the instructions indicated therein. In said registration process, exact and true data must always and only be provided.

2.3 HotelCheck will send the confirmation of registration to the email account designated by the Client for this purpose. The username and password are enabling elements to access and make purchases and are confidential, personal and non-transferable. The username cannot be modified by the Client, but the password can, in which case the modified passwords will lose their validity.The Client will be responsible for the adequate custody and confidentiality of the password, not being able to assign its use to any third party, whether temporary or permanent, nor to allow its use by any third party in any case. The Client must immediately notify Alexandre López of access to HotelCheck that any third party other than the Client could make using their password.

2.4 All purchases of Products purchased through HotelCheck, prior identification and authentication, through the username and password that was supplied, will be considered validly made by the Client, and will be binding. Consequently, the Client will be solely responsible for any purchases of Products through HotelCheck by any third party that uses their username and password. The placing of orders from HotelCheck by a minor who falsifies the registration information, will be understood to be carried out under the supervision and authorization of their parents, guardians or legal representatives.

2.5. The use of HotelCheck and / or the contracting of any of the Products, imply the acceptance as a Client, without reservations of any kind, to each and every one of the General Conditions as well as, where appropriate, the Particular Conditions and other regulations of detail that, where appropriate, are applicable. If you decide not to accept these General Conditions, the Particular Conditions and / or, where appropriate, the New Conditions, you must refrain from accessing and / or using HotelCheck. The provision and use of HotelCheck by the Client will be understood, in any case, subject to strict compliance by the latter with the terms contained in these General Conditions and, where appropriate, in the Particular Conditions that result from application.

2.6 The legal relationship derived from registering as a HotelCheck Customer has an indefinite duration. Either of the parties may terminate or suspend this contractual relationship unilaterally at any time and without any cause other than their will in this regard, without prejudice to the obligations arising from the formalization of orders prior to the termination of the relationship. The Client may unilaterally exercise the right of termination through the process of canceling accounts.

3.1. The Products offered in HotelCheck, along with their essential characteristics and price will appear on the screen. The offers will be properly displayed on the screen. HotelCheck reserves the right to decide at any time, the Products that are contained and offered to Clients through HotelCheck. In this way, HotelCheck may at any time add new Products to those included in HotelCheck, it being understood, unless otherwise provided, that such new Products will be governed by the provisions of the General Conditions in force at that time. HotelCheck also reserves the right to withdraw or stop offering, at any time, and without prior notice, any Products offered on HotelCheck.

4.1. The prices of the Products are always shown in euros and do not include VAT. In the event that HotelCheck identifies a manifest error in the price of the Products, it will inform the Client and the Client will have the option of reconfirming their order at the correct price or, failing that, canceling it.

4.2. The prices shown in HotelCheck apply exclusively to the Products offered through said Channel and during the time they remain published. Alexandre López expressly reserves the right to modify prices at any time without the need for prior notice. However, in any case, the current rates indicated in HotelCheck at the time the corresponding order is placed will apply.

Remote hotel audits factory
5.1. Once the Client is registered, and to proceed to place an order, he must go to the section to create an order where, according to the indications on the screen, filling in a standard document, he will add the hotels that he wants to be audited specifying for each one of them among other generic data: questionnaire language, if you want to share the result of the audit in the database and if you want to get questions and answers or questions and answers with a note.

5.2. You can customize the audit questionnaire to align it with the client's risk criteria before placing an order by selecting the option to customize my questionnaire. You will need to fill out a questionnaire describing your needs and we will contact you to develop your specific questionnaire. From this Now you can use this personalized questionnaire when placing new orders.

5.3. Once the order has been placed, the Customer will be sent to the email address indicated for this purpose by the Customer, a confirmation of the purchase reservation has been correctly received, which will serve as proof of the operation. Likewise, the Client may request the sending of the corresponding invoice. The order confirmation will not be valid as an invoice.

5.4. There are 8 different stages once a customer creates an order:
1. The questionnaire is sent to the hotel / supplier. Here the status is "IN PROGRESS"
2. For 4 weeks, the hotel is contacted by email and phone calls
3. There are 4 additional weeks waiting for the hotel to react to the actions of the previous weeks (grace period)
4. After 8 weeks, if the hotel does not respond, it becomes "NO RESPONDED"
5. If the hotel responds, it becomes "RESPONDED 1"
6. If the hotel reviews your answers, it becomes "RESPONDED 2"
7. Maximum in one week after becoming RESPONDED, the hotel, once audited by HotelCheck, becomes "AUDITED NOT PAID"
8. Once the customer pays, the hotel becomes "AUDITED PAID"

5.5. To find out if a hotel has responded and has already been audited by HotelCheck, there are 2 different ways:
1. You will have online access to HotelCheck at any time to see the status of your hotels. When the status is AUDITED NOT PAID you can click on them, pay online and see the results immediately. Please note that when registering as a customer and for your convenience, you will have the option to choose between paying for audits individually once completed or paying once a month at the end of the month. Note that if you choose to pay at the end of the month, the audits, once completed (AUDITED NOT PAID status) will always be visible.

2. When placing your order you will have the opportunity to select if you want to receive an email every Friday informing you of the new audits completed and pending payment.

Hotel physical audits
5.6. Once the Client is registered, and to proceed with placing an order, they must go to the physical audits section where, according to the indications on the screen, they must provide different information about the hotel for which the audit is requested. It is made and provided to the client, an invoice will be issued and it will be charged directly to the credit card provided at the time of user registration.

Hotel Audit Bank
5.7. Once the Client is registered, and to proceed with placing an order, he must go to the section of the audit bank where, according to the instructions on the screen, he must select which hotels he wants to buy. Said hotels will go to the shopping cart where, by checking the payment option, they will be charged directly to the credit card provided at the time of user registration.
Once you register in HotelCheck, you will be able to view the available hotels. Hotels will be listed by city, region, country, with note / without note and audit date. Along with this information, you will be able to view the status of the hotel for you as a member based on whether or not you have previously purchased said hotel, a column with 2 options will appear next to the hotel: NEW FOR YOU or ALREADY PURCHASED BY YOU. You must mark the audits that appear as NEW FOR YOU to pay them online and have access to the complete information.

There are two possibilities: one by automatic charge to the credit card provided when registering as a client in the chosen modality either immediate payment to view the audit of the hotel in AUDITED NOT PAID status if the immediate payment option is chosen when registering as a customer Or, payment at the end of the month with a charge to the same credit card, paying all those audits in AUDITED NOT PAID status carried out during the calendar month until the end of the month. The other option is bank transfer, which will be agreed with the client offline, whereby the audits all go to AUDITED PAID status once they have been audited and are paid to the account number provided in the invoice issued.

When the Service or Services acquired show a lack of conformity because they do not correspond to the characteristics offered, show defects that prevent their normal use according to their nature, or do not offer the services described for it, the Client will have the right to clean up the property. acquired within a period of two years from the purchase and under the conditions and with the means of proof regulated in the Consolidated Text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users, without prejudice to HotelCheck's powers to verify the the veracity of the defects, their origin and the moment of their appearance. In any case, the Client must request the collection of the product from HotelCheck within a maximum period of two months from the discovery of the defect, and must inform the nature of the problem, the moment and the conditions of its appearance. Likewise, the Client has the right to sanitation of the property following the rules of article 118 and following of the Consolidated Text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users. In any case, the regulations that the applicable legislation establishes at all times on the guarantee of the sale of consumer goods will be applied.

HotelCheck - Risk Management Solutions Europe - Alexandre López does not guarantee the technical efficiency of HotelCheck's operating system, and does not Responsible for damages that may be caused to the Client by failures or interruptions of the service that limit or prevent the availability or use of HotelCheck.HotelCheck is protected with the most advanced means at all times against viruses and unauthorized access and therefore HotelCheck - Risk Management Solutions Europe - Alexandre López will only be liable for the damages caused to the Client by these actions insofar as they cause deficiencies in the normal standard of protection required at all times according to the state of the art.

The personal data provided to HotelCheck - Risk Management Solutions Europe - Alexandre López by reason of the use of HotelCheck are included in a File for which HotelCheck - Risk Management Solutions Europe - Alexandre López is responsible and which complies with the prescriptions established in the Legislation on the Protection of Personal Data. This File is registered in the General Registry of the Spanish Agency for the Protection of Personal Data. The Points of Sale have the legal consideration of Managers of the Treatment of this Personal Data and the communication of this Personal Data does not have the legal consideration of communication or transfer but of simple access to them for the purpose of the commercial transaction in the field of HotelCheck The treatment of personal data by HotelCheck - Risk Management Solutions Europe - Alexandre López, as well as any other information requested for the access and use of HotelCheck, will be governed by the provisions of the Privacy Policy of the website www. hotelcheck-hsaudits.com

These conditions have been published in due time, in accordance with current legislation. Likewise, Alexandre López makes these General Conditions, the Particular Conditions, the New Conditions and other development regulations available to users, so that they can be stored and reproduced, thus complying with the legal duty of prior information. HotelCheck - Risk Management Solutions Europe - Alexandre López reserves the right to modify, at any time, and without prior notice, the presentation and graphic and technical configuration of HotelCheck, its functionalities and / or the content incorporated therein. The user expressly acknowledges and accepts that at any time Alexandre López may interrupt, deactivate and / or cancel the access and / or use of HotelCheck, without Alexandre López being responsible for it, in the event that any provision or provisions of the Conditions of Purchase in HotelCheck, General, Particular or development regulations were considered null or unenforceable, in whole or in part, by any Court, Tribunal or competent administrative body, said nullity or non-application will not affect the remaining provisions. In this case, the affected clause or clauses will be replaced by another or others that have the most similar effects to those replaced.

These Conditions have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002, on services of the information society and electronic commerce, Law 7/1998 on General Contracting Conditions, Royal Decree 1906/1999 by the that regulates telephone or electronic contracting with general conditions in development of article 5.3 of Law 7/1998, Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13, Protection of Personal Data, Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the Consolidated Text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Clients and other complementary laws, Law 7/1996 on the Regulation of Retail Trade, Royal Decree-Law 14/1999 regulating the Electronic signature and how many legal provisions are applicable.
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